Getting to know me – The Blog On Ice Breaker

I can’t believe it will be the 1st May on Sunday and this can only mean one thing…….. BLOG ON.  This will be my 2nd year of attending Blog On in Manchester. I blogged last year about my first blogging conference, and this year I am so excited for attending the different sessions, meeting up with old and new blogging friends and eating cake…..Oh YES lots of cake.

The lovely Kara from Chelsea Mamma is hosting the Great Big Blog on Ice Breaker linky, so we can all get to know each other a little better before Sunday. So here we go……..

Share a recent picture of yourself

Ikos 14

If you had to describe yourself in 3 words….

Argh I hate doing this…… I asked the kids for inspiration but moaning and nagging were included lol. So I will say thoughtful, organised and loyal.

How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I started blogging in September 2013 after I found myself following more and more bloggers on twitter.  I spent the summer thinking of a blog name, and checking out themes on both blogger and wordpress. There was never any doubt that I would blog about our love of holidays and days out.

What was your favourite TV program as a child?

Byker Grove and Grange Hill in my teens, and Camberwick Green and Trumpton when I was younger (showing my age here lol)

Something interesting you might not know about me….

My Dad is an author and once wrote a Neighbours annual.

Neighbours annual

What is the weirdest food you have eaten?

Really struggling with this one. We have been to Mexico but I don’t remember eating anything strange……. erm…….

What was your biggest fashion faux pas?

Going clubbing wearing a shellsuit with a rave whistle….. oh the shame

What are your pet peeves?

People not saying please and thank you, poor service when eating out and my husband snoring.

Who would be your 3 perfect dinner guests (dead or alive) and why?

Prince Harry as I can’t resist a redhead. Richard Branson as I hope he would then repay the favour and invite me to his private island, and Harvey from Suits to provide some eye candy.

If they make a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor  would play the part of you?

I am sure the movie would go straight to DVD as my life is pretty normal. It would have to be Julie Bowen (who plays Claire in Modern Family) who would play me. The kids are always saying I am really like her, as she moans and nags alot (charming !!!).

If you could live in any sitcom, which one would it be?

Has to be Modern Family. They have a great family ethos, have fun together and live in nice big houses.

Name a famous person you have met

Recently met Leanne Battersby and Sophie Webster at an event. I see Bob Carolgees (Spit the Dog fame) from time to time as he runs a candle shop 10 minutes from where I live.

Which social media platform best describes your personality and why?

I LOVE twitter and the way it connects you to people from all different walks of life.

What picture do you have on your lock screen on your phone?

I am SO boring when it comes to lock screens.

iPhone lock screen

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Less than 10. I hate shoe shopping as when I was younger there was a size difference in my feet. I still remember the stress of shoe shopping.

What period of time from the past would you most like to have lived ?

Maybe the Downton Abbey era, obviously living upstairs with the posh people.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I have a huge travel list, but Barbados has been on my list for the longest.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Being a Cheshire Lady it has to be The Real Housewives of Cheshire.  Husband detests it.

What is your favourite tipple?

Gin and Tonic closely followed by a Pina Colada after our recent holiday to Greece.

If you had a magic lamp and a genie, what would be your three wishes?

To wake up tomorrow and be happy with my weight for the rest of my life. For my kids to grow up healthy, happy and if they make mistakes learn from them. And to have an unlimited budget for our holidays each year.

See you on Sunday if you are attending Blog On x

Blog on


26 thoughts on “Getting to know me – The Blog On Ice Breaker”

    • I am so excited to finally meet you Sarah. Going back to the question above ‘what made me start blogging’, you were one of the first bloggers I started following on twitter. So I am holding you responsible lol xx

    • Aw Sarah thank you so much for your kind words, they made me a little teary. You are an incredibly supportive blogger and friend, and I love our shared interests of Disney and holidays. Oh and being a perfectionist when it comes to holidays. I swear I am getting more fussy lol xx

    • Aw what a shame Rachel. It is a fantastic conference and I am really looking forward to it this year. Fingers crossed you get there next year x

    • I can get my dad to sign it !!!!!!! lol……. I loved Neighbours too. Wish you were coming Jess so we could finally meet in the real world xx

  1. I love Modern Family and would love to be in that sitcom, that was my second choice after The Middle as Hubby says I am more like Frankie than Clare. That Neighbours annual is so cool – I loved it in those days

    • We have not watched The Middle but we need a good sitcom to watch. Will have to check it out. Neighbours was THE programme wasn’t it years ago….. who could forget Scott and Charlene’s wedding xx

  2. Modern Family is a great choice 🙂 I’ll have a look at the post you made last year. This will be my first conference, I can’t wait. I hope we can have a chat. xx

    • You will absolutely love it and come away feeling so inspired. Hopefully I can catch you during the day. Have fun xx

  3. That Neighbours Annual looks familiar… I was obsessed! I’m really looking forward to Blog On MSI – it’s such a good conference. See you tomorrow!

    • From reading all the comments it seems everybody was obsessed with Neighbours. I caught about 5 minutes of it the other day and I can’t believe Paul is still in it lol. Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow Naomi x

  4. I loved meeting you last year and I can’t believe so much time has passed since. I really wish I was going again this year, it was fun! I hope you have a lovely time x

    • Ah totally gutted you won’t be there this year Mary. It was such a pleasure meeting you last year, and so glad we were on the same table at the first session. Fingers crossed we meet again soon hun xx


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