Looking forward to May – My favourite month

Oh May, you are definitely my favourite month of the year.  A month which will see us banish our coats until Autumn (hopefully), and wave goodbye to our winter boots. A month that graces us with not one, but TWO bank holidays. And hopefully the month where the sun decides to shine that little bit more.

Hello May

May is a month of celebration for us. On the 15th of May, it is 18 years since I met my husband (18 YEARS), and on the 12th May we will celebrate 16 years of marriage. We don’t have any firm plans yet, but I am hoping for a little weekend getaway.

And this weekend we are taking Katie to Liverpool to see The Vamps in concert. This will be the third time of seeing them live for Katie, and my second.  Husband had the joy of accompanying her last year, and this picture appeared on the Liverpool Echo Website. It still makes me smile seeing the joy on Katie’s face. Plus I don’t think Hywel has ever got over being called a  ‘Vamps fan’ at 44 lol.

The Vamps

And never one to miss an opportunity for a sneaky night away, we are staying at the Premier Inn at The Albert Dock.

May is also the month of Blog On. I will be heading to Manchester for my 3rd Blog On conference, and I am so excited to be catching up with blogging friends old and new. It is always a fantastic day out, and a huge shout out to Laura from Tired Mummy of Two who always puts on an amazing conference.

And at the end of May, half term. Though I am pretty sure they only went back to school about 5 minutes ago. We have some lovely things planned, and Katie and I are heading to London for an event. This is a huge thing for me, as I usually shy away from anything that is not fairly local. But when the invite popped into my inbox, I immediately emailed back and said yes.

And of course I can’t write about May without mentioning SATS. Yes the Year 6 SATS start next Monday, and Katie has been working hard towards them in school and in her SATS club. She is fairly laid back about tests, and hopefully this will still be the case next week. Good luck Katie and all the other children taking their SATS.

11 year old fashion

And not forgetting the teen. His next Karate grading is this month, and if he passes he will become a Black Belt. Just writing that down makes me immensely proud of everything he is achieved at Karate.

So a pretty busy, but lovely month ahead. What do you have planned for May ?

10 thoughts on “Looking forward to May – My favourite month”

  1. Happy Anniversary month Tracey, it’s our wedding anniversary too although we are far behind you on just 5 years, together 7. Best of luck for Katie with her SATS, hope she enjoys her concert too. I’ve got a feeling May will be a great month x

    • Aw happy anniversary to you too, May was a great month to get married. The concert was fantastic, and I am sure SATS will go well for her. She is even a little excited, crazy child x

  2. What a great month for you all’ happy anniversary! My husband and I got together on 14th May 24 years ago!
    Good luck to Katie for the SATs and the teen for his black belt grading. What an incredible achievement!
    May for us has SATs, two school residentials and the dreaded GCSEs!

    • Ah the day before us, though you have another 6 years under your belt. I have no idea where the times goes. Good luck to your daughter too, and your son. Sounds a really busy May for you too, with all the tests and school residentials. Roll on June! x

    • Ha it really is forever Tas, but my goodness it has gone SO quickly. Just goes to show that times does indeed fly when you are having fun. Eek so excited for Blog On now and to catch up with you x

  3. Ah I love May too, I am so looking forward to blog on and catching up with you. I cant believe its SATS week, Joe is pretty chilled to, if anything a bit excited about it, and yes you should definitely go away for your anniversary xx

    • It’s such a fab month isn’t it Sarah, and yes getting very excited about Blog On now and getting to catch up. Katie is a little bit excited too about SATS, but that could well be about own clothes day on Friday when its all over. Best of luck to Joe x

  4. Looking forward to the grading this month! Dan grades are always fun, look at the photo in the teen’s log book and see how much he’s changed over the years!

    • Sam he has changed SO much since he started when he was in year 4, and I am sure Sensei has seen a huge change too. I will be so nervous this time, but I know he has got the drive and skills to get his black belt. Eeek exciting x


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