One day my monthly Little Loves post will actually be posted on the last day of the month, not 10 days after. I’ve not been on my laptop much over the past 2 weeks, as I have been suffering terribly with Sciatica. I could barely move some days, and meant I had to cancel things which I hate doing. Thankfully it seems to have disappeared, and normal service of housework, ironing and blogging can resume.
Another two books read this month, and I must admit it took me over 3 weeks to finish the Sophie Kinsella one. I’ve not read one of her books in around 10 years, and I used to love the Shopaholic series. Now I don’t know if my reading tastes have changed, but I really couldn’t get into this book at all, and it didn’t seem to get going until I was three quarters of the way through it.
In complete comparison I picked up Do Not Disturb in a charity shop, and a few days later I had finished it. It was good to get stuck into a Psychological thriller after the Sophie Kinsella book, and I can highly recommend the book by Claire Douglas. I will definitely be looking out for more titles by her.
What If was recommended in a blog post last month (thank you if you are reading this), and I was hooked from the very first minute. Starring Renee Zellweger, who is a world away from the Bridget Jones character we know and love, she plays a wealthy woman in this thriller series.
We also watched Killing Eve which was just as good as the other series, and we are currently watching Dead To Me on Netflix, which is proving to be another great show. June was definitely a good month TV wise, and we are loving Netflix at the moment (I think we have had our subscription for about 10 years now).
All the 80s music in Stranger Things.
Absolutely nothing as always, but one thing that did catch my eye recently was this recipe for Rhubarb, Strawberry and Ginger Eton Mess. My favourite pudding EVER is Eton Mess, and during the summer holidays I plan to get Katie in the kitchen, baking and cooking. I’m sure together we could knock this pudding up.
I think we had all four seasons during June, and I can’t believe I was wearing my Hotter boots and rain coat when we went to Center Parcs. Praying that we finally get some long lasting sunshine, and the summer clothes can get some wear.
And lastly
I can’t believe we are racing towards the summer holidays, and in just over a week the kids will finish year 8 and year 12 (first year of 6th form). We have a trip to Amsterdam to look forward to, where we will celebrate the teen turning 17, and I can’t wait to return to this beautiful city after our day trip back in May. Have a good July, and keep going if you are feeling like you are crawling to the end of the school year.
Ugh! Sciatica is the worst. I’m glad you are feeling better now!
It sounds like a good month.
I really need to watch What If and Stranger things. I did watch Killing Eve and loved it.
That Eton Mess looks amazing! x
What If is brilliant Kim and we are just about to finish Dead to Me which is also a good one on Netflix. I forgot how horrendous sciatica pain is and I am so glad it has eased off now… thank you x
Good reads there good food and fab adventures are Center Parcs we love it there. Have a fab week hunny
Thanks Jenny. We love Center Parcs and always try and squeeze in a break once a year x
I cant believe its nearly the holidays time has flown, the Eton Mess looks fab I might hope over and check it out. you were so unlucky with the weather a Center Parks although the weather doesn’t seem to matter there so much does it x
It rained pretty much constantly and it was such a difference to when we were last there during the heatwave of 2018. But never mind as we still had lots of fun. I can’t believe mine break up this Friday, so I guess Joe will be breaking up soon too x