I totally failed last week in sharing our Little Loves, but I promise I will try harder. This past week has been a whirl of birthdays and our first break away for 2016. I celebrated turning 42 (eek) on Friday, and went out for a lovely lunch with my mum. As soon as the kids were home from school we were on the M6 heading up to Centerparcs. This was our 13th visit to Whinfell and it really seems like our second home. After celebrating my birthday on the Friday, it was daughters turn on the Monday as she turned 10. Not surprising that my Little Loves is all about our Centerparcs weekend.
I really need to start going to bed earlier (damn you Big Brother for sucking me in), to carry on reading my Sweet Temptation book by Lucy Diamond. So have pretty much failed with reading this week, although I did read my birthday cards and messages on social media which was nice.
I am a huge fan of the comedian Chris Ramsey, so I was delighted when husband got me his new DVD for my birthday. The DVD is a recording of his latest tour, which we went to on the opening night in our home town. We watched it on the Saturday night after the kids had gone to bed, and Chris still had me in stitches.
We surprised daughter with tickets to see Little Mix in April, so of course we are being forced to learn all of the songs. Actually I have found myself humming along to some of them.
It has to be memories. For the second year on the run, we had snow at Centerparcs which was just magical. The forest looked so beautiful covered in fluffy white snow, and it was nice to see the kids having fun together. Even at the age of 13, son is still not too old to build a snowman.
Katie has turned 8,9 and now 10 at Centerparcs, and there is no better place to celebrate your birthday. The staff really made us both feel really special, and we got these goodies delivered to our lodge on the Saturday for the ‘birthday girls’. I presume the wine is for me and not daughter.
It was all about the hats at the weekend, which are compulsory whilst in Centerparcs in the snow.
And lastly
We have a quieter week planned. We are decorating the playroom in the following weeks, so a trip to B+Q is planned for Saturday. And I have lunch out with one of my closest friends tomorrow which I am looking forward to. Have a great week.
Oh happy birthday wishes lovely. Center Parcs looks amazing with snow down. How magical. I love it there. Glad you had such a great time. Lovely round up hun. Hope you have a great weekend ahead. #littleloves
Aw thank you Jenny. It certainly was magical when all of the forest was covered in snow. So many memories made x
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tracey! Glad you had a lovely day! Oh my I love the wintery centre parcs pics, we haven’t been yet but it looks great x
Aw thanks Mary. Centerparcs is fantastic. Great for the kids and equally great for the adults x
We are off to Centre Parcs this year and I cannot wait! My first time too.. Happy belated birthday to you and your daughter! My little girl is a mad fan of Little Mix! Have a wonderful weekend xx
Aw so exciting that you are going for your very first trip. It really is the best place for a short break in the UK whatever the weather. Hope you have an amazing time x
Ah I didn’t know it was your birthday too, I hope you both had wonderful birthdays, how lovely of Center Parcs to send cards and treats, and I am so glad you got snow. xxx
Thanks Sarah. Yes we are 3 days apart so always makes for an interesting middle of January. I couldn’t believe they sent some gifts to the lodge. Really nice touch from Centerparcs x
Your Centre Parcs holiday looks just perfect! How lovely to have snow there – twice! x
Thank you Donna. I know we have been really lucky to have experienced snow there 2 years on the run. Last year we woke up to snow on Katie’s birthday which was just magical for her x
Center Parcs looks gorgeous in the snow! What a fantastic place to celebrate your birthdays. X
I knew we HAD to go this year as it was my birthday on the Friday and Katies on the Monday. The past 2 years it has been Katie’s birthday whilst we have been there. Fantastic place to spend to turn 21 again lol x
I thin Whinefell is the only Centerparcs I haven’t been to (gotta love Centerparcs!) It looks so beautiful in the snow! Happy Birthday for last week and have a lovely weekend x
Thank you so much. Its funny as when we returned we said we think we are ready to try another Centerparcs now (Daughter and I have been to Woburn once). But our heart really lies with Whinfell x
What a fun filled post! Happy belated birthday to you and your daughter, it looks like Center Parcs was the perfect place to celebrate. xx
Aw thank you Morgana. It certainly was the perfect place to celebrate our birthdays. And the added snow was the icing on the cake x