So another fortnight has passed, and I am currently sat in a cold home as our heating has completely packed in. But I won’t dwell on the negatives, as this post is about the little things that have made me smile. So among the doom and gloom of a frozen house, here are this fortnight’s Little Loves.
I finally started Summer at Shell Cottage last night. Mainly down to the fact that I promised I would make a start in my last Little Loves post. I have a read a few of Lucy Diamond’s books now, and I am sure this one won’t disappoint. My husband also bought me OK to feed my guilty habit of celebrity gossip.
We have just finished watching Suits season 5, and wow what a series finale. If you haven’t heard of Suits, I am sure you are familiar with the name Megan Markle. Megan plays Rachel Zane in the show, and is dating a certain royal by the name of Harry.
We have been umming and ahhing what to watch now, but can’t seem to agree. The amount of times we have scrolled through Netflix, and 30 minutes later still no decision made. Hit me with your suggestions Little Loves crew. And no Gilmore Girls as I am pretty sure the husband would say no to that.
A made a good start to the Christmas shopping this week. On Tuesday I met up with a friend, and we visited a retail park on the outskirts of Chester. We shopped, drank coffee and chatted the day away. And I came home having ticked a few things off the Christmas list. A productive day off.
My little lady was invested into Scouts on Sunday, after the remembrance day parade and service. She has loved being part of Beavers and Cubs, and she is really excited about her scouting journey. Our Scout troop like to invest the children when they are out and about. Morgan got invested at the top of a mountain in North Wales!
I have been living in my Hotter boots lately. They are snuggly, comfy and look fab with jeans. I am tempted to buy another pair in black so I can wear them to work.
And lastly
I am looking forward to a weekend of catching up with family, as my Dad and Stepmum are over from Spain. Have a great week x
Have a lovely weekend. The more bodies in the house the warmer it’ll be 🙂
Sadly my dad is staying in a nice warm hotel nearby….. very jealous of the warmth. I might go and bed down on his floor x
Oh noooo, broken heating is THE WORST 🙁 Hope it’s getting fixed soon, it’s getting super chilly here now. My husband and I do the same thing with Netflix, especially as we both like such different things. I don’t know if you’ve watched The Good Wife but it’s absolutely amazing, and my husband even agreed that he quite enjoyed it too. Also, I think Netflix has the US remake of The Returned – the original was fantastic, so the remake might be quite good too. Hope you have a great weekend and that heating gets mended…! #LittleLoves
Funnily enough we started watching The Good Wife ages ago, but then we got NOW TV and started watching The Affair. I think we need to go back and do The Good Wife again from the start as we did enjoy. Heating is getting fixed on Wednesday, and I WILL spend the day hugging the radiators x
Have you tried House of Cards on Netflix, we loved that. Give me an idea of shows you like and I’m sure I could give you loads of recommendations!
Hope you get your boiler sorted soon! xx
Husband has watched House of Cards and he said it was too complicated for me!!!! To be fair I probably would have been asking him what was going on every 5 minutes. I like fairly easy shows to follow. LOVE Suits and The Affair (which I believe is coming back on next week). New boiler is being fitted next week….. all hail the warmth x
Not the best time of year for no heating. I hope it is soon fixed. I really want to watch suits. We have amazon prime and it’s not on there unfortunately. It feels good to have made a good start on Christmas shopping. I’ve mostly done mine online.
We are having a new boiler fitted next Wednesday (sobbing at the cost and no heating for days). Oh Claire Suits is amazing. We watched the first few series on Netflix. Yay for online Christmas shopping, best way to do it x
Hope you have a lovely weekend with your family visiting. I want to sign Parker up for Cubs when he is old enough, I was a Brownie and loved it as a kid xx
Thank you Stacie. Cubs has been fantastic for my daughter and I am sure Parker will love it just as much x
Are you watching The Crown on Netflix, I haven’t started it yet but will do. I hope the heating is fixed now, it’s bloomin freezing isn’t it. I thought that was lovely being invested on remembrance sunday.
We started watching The Crown but we both got bored about 30 minutes in. Somebody did say the 2nd episode is much better, so might go back and give it another try. Getting a new boiler on Wednesday, so 5 more days of cold (sob) x
Well done on starting your Christmas shopping! We’ve started too, but there’s still a lot more to do. I love that your girl was invested into Scouts after the Remembrance service. We’re still waiting to hear when my daughter will be invested. At this rate, they won’t fit it in before Christmas!
I really hope your heating is sorted soon. I’d hate to be without it in this weather.
I really need to get more shopping done. There was a time (in a previous life pre blogging), when I used to be done and wrapped by 1st December. Hope your daughter gets invested soon, and tomorrow is the ‘new boiler’ day. It can’t come quick enough x
You’ll have to persuade hubby to watch the 4 Gilmore Girls specials that come out next Friday. I can’t wait for them after only recently getting into it and then binge watching the lot of them. I watched Banished on Netflix this week, it’s about the prisoners that were shipped over to Australia and only 7 episodes. Was surprisingly good.
Love that your daughter was invested into scouts at the top of a mountain, how cool is that! Mine misses her scout group since we moved but still hasn’t got the nerve up to try out our local one.
Hope you get your heating sorted soon x
I don’t think I could ever persuade hubby to watch Gilmore Girls. I will have to sneak off to bed early and watch it on the iPad. It was my son that got invested at the top of a mountain, daughter was after the remembrance parade. Hope your daughter gets to try out your local Scout group. Tomorrow and we should have our heating back, fingers crossed
Oh I haven’t read any of her books I will have to try one. What a nightmare having no heating, thankfully we have a log burner so would manage but being without hot water arghhh ! Hope you are having a fab weekend with your family x
They are nice and easy reads Sarah, perfect for switching off at the end of a long day. I bet your log burner keeps your house nice and toasty. Fingers crossed we will have heating back tomorrow when the new boiler gets fitted. Weekend was great catching up with the family x
Sounds like you had a lovely shopping day, i need one of those. Netflix recommendations, I love American Horror Story, although it’s one I watch on my own as it’s not really my husbands thing, and Stranger Things was really good too. Hope you find something you can both enjoy. xx
Yes my husband watched Stranger Things without me. He tends to catch up on Netflix on his lunch break every day. I am sure we will agree on something before the end of this year lol. Shopping day was just what I needed x
I so need to try some of these Hotter boots I keep hearing so much about.
They are the best boots I have ever had. I literally wear then every day without fail x
I buy different colours in the same style too if I love them. I’m currently vying for a pair from Jake shoes 🙂
That’s it isn’t it Tas. If you like them you might as well get them in every colour (the husband need never know) x