I realised the other day that I haven’t done a catch up post for a few weeks, so today is the day that I sit down, open my laptop, and have a think about what we have been up to the past few weeks. It’s hard to think back to those few days of Spring we were blessed with, when the wind is currently blowing a gale outside. On the upside we are on serious countdown to our holiday, and 4 weeks today I will be sipping a Pina Colada in Greece.
Good old Netflix and a little bit of nostalgia
We had to give Dirty John a watch on netflix, after the whole of social media seemed to be watching it. We both really enjoyed it, and it’s hard to believe it’s based on a true crime podcast.
And Suits Season 8 has finally finished, and what an amazing series it has been. I can’t give too much away, but having watched Suits from the very beginning, the final scene gave me so much joy, and yes a tear might have been shed.
Hands up if you remember This Life ? People of a ‘certain age’ will remember the TV show that first aired in 1996, and I was obsessed with following the lives of the law graduates in London. So imagine my delight when the husband bought me the box set for my birthday, and a few nights ago we started watching it. It’s hard to think back to a time when we didn’t have mobile phones in our lives, computers took up the whole of our desk, and back in the nineties we had no clue what Brexit was. Oh the nostalgia.
Date nights and meals out
Would you believe that Katie has had 4 sleepovers in 4 weeks, which has given me the opportunity for some much needed time with the husband. Last weekend we went to Prezzo, and used my Buyagift voucher I purchased a few weeks ago. I have worked with Buyagift in the past, and will also be working with them again soon, but I love the value for money you get with their vouchers. The Taste of Italy voucher was only £22.50, which gives you a 3 course meal for two people, plus a glass of wine each. What a bargain.
Working Wednesdays
Every other Wednesday I get the chance to meet up with a small group of bloggers, and business people, for Working Wednesday. We meet in a gorgeous hotel in Chester with our laptops, and it’s a chance to swop ideas, work in the company of others, chat, and drink copious cups of coffee. And occasionally we even indulge in a few mocktails together. I am so grateful for Working Wednesday, and being surrounded by such inspiring women once a fortnight.
School Reports and changing direction
The kids’s school reports were posted out to us this week, and whilst I thought it was a strange time of year for them, they both made me smile. Both kids are doing really well at school, have a brilliant attendance record, and scored excellent for their behaviour. Morgan has totally changed direction from where he was in September, when he was starting 6th form. He has changed all 3 subjects, and reading his report made me incredibly proud. He could have easily stuck his head in the sand, but he tackled the problem head on. He has not only caught up, but is ahead in some of his subjects. It just goes to show that changing direction can often be the right thing to do.
Full on holiday planning
With just 4 weeks to go until we return to Ikos Olivia in Greece, I am on full on holiday mode. The airport parking has been booked, I have checked in online and our seats allocated, and I have started to sort out my holiday wardrobe. Of course it’s the holiday law that you have to purchase a few new clothes, and I ordered this jumpsuit from Sainsburys. Being plus size I would normally shy away from jumpsuits, but I absolutely love it. It’s super comfy, flattering, and was only £20. Oh and it has pockets too, win win. Picture from the Sainbsurys website.
I’ve been looking at holiday clothes too with Florida just 37 days away. Your meal out sounds like a great deal
Oh it’s getting so close now, I bet you are getting really excited. Meal was really good value, and it’s the second voucher I have bought from them as they are such brilliant value x
That week of spring seems such a long time ago with this wind blowing.
I loved Dirty John. It is so scary to think that it’s based on real life events.
The Buy a Gift vouchers are fab value aren’t they. I am getting my newphew one for his birthday. He’s 18 and I have no idea what boys his age like. lol
The Working Wedesdays sound fantastic fun!
That jumpsuit looks fab! What a bargain x
The last episode of Dirty John was so gripping, though I had to watch some scenes through my fingers. Buyagift voucher would be a great idea for an 18 year old. I love that you can swap them too, so flexible and good value. I can’t wait to wear the jumpsuit as it’s so comfy x
I’m super jealous you are going to the Ikos Olivia, been looking at those hotels for a while but might wait a little bit until my kids are a bit older.
It must be great meeting with other bloggers on a weekly basis, always great to have company when working and nice to have other people to discuss ideas with
The Ikos hotels are amazing, and we are heading back to Olivia for our third visit. The trouble is they set the bar VERY high for any future holidays, hence us going back again and again. I am loving our working Wednesdays, and yes it’s great to work amongst other bloggers and business people x
Love the jumpsuit Tracey, good price too. Maybe i’ll be looking at holiday clothes as Mexico seems on the cards….. if I go with them, haha. Looking forward to more Working Wednesday’s and hope I can get some focus.
Oh you must go to Mexico Lorraine, you will have an amazing time. I can see us going back to the Moon Palace one day in the future. though maybe without the kids lol. Counting down the days till this coming Wednesday x
Love this post so much. Where about’s in Greece are you going to? I’m getting married in Crete in June and can’t wait. Also, dirty John is amazing and I can’t believe it’s a true story. Have you watched the documentary? 🙂
Ah thank you Victoria, and how exciting that your wedding is only a few months away. We are going to Halkidiki on the mainland, and I bet you can’t wait for Crete. Not watched the documentary yet, I feel as if I need time to recover from the show before delving back in to his murky world x
4 week countdown, how exciting ! I love that jumpsuit Tracey what a bargain too. The kids sound like they are doing so well at school which is brilliant. I’m glad you are enjoying working Wednesdays they sound fab x
Time is going really quickly now, I need to start getting my act together and getting the final bits and pieces. Not long for yours either, and I was made up with the jumpsuit x
Omg I love that jump suit, I might check it out myself, I have seen a denim dress in Sainsbury’s I want to try too! Well done Katie and Morgan, he did exactly the right thing changing I used to always say to my students its never too late to change directions. I can’t wait to go to IKOS again bu we have ages to wait, I so wish I was nearer so I could come to working Wednesday too x
Sarah it’s so so comfy and such a bargain at only 20 quid !!! I also ordered the black one in the same style, and that was slightly cheaper at £18. You are so right, and even as adults we change directions. I am so glad he could come to us, when he knew that doing 3 A Levels was not right for him. Ah you would love Working Wednesday, I feel so positive after a day working with our little group x
I’ve watched Dirty John recently too, loved it. We’ve been in holiday shopping mode too, think we go away just before you do at Easter.
Yes, we will probably be away at the same time I would imagine. Eek I bet you can’t wait to go back to Florida. I am wishing the days away at the moment x
Very well done to the kids on their parents ‘ evenings. I’m so glad Morgan has found subjects that suit him now. I love that you meet up with the other ladies every other week, I’m quite jealous! How exciting that your holiday is so soon. X
I was really proud that he came to us, and the school were really supportive in changing all 3 subjects for him. I’m not going to lie but his report actually made me cry, knowing what he has been through. You know how much I love a blogger meet up, and wish you were nearer. We must get arranging a meet up in Birmingham which would be brilliant x
The jumpsuit is too cute!! Fuss-free and saves the trouble of outfit coordinating. One piece outfits are my to-go nowadays.
I would never normally go for something like this, but it’s so comfy and I have just ordered the same one but in black x