Little Loves – Nights out, Wedding Dresses and High School decisions

Since I last joined in with Little Loves 2 weeks ago, I have been on a girls weekend to Birmingham. I went with 2 of my closest friends and we chatted, laughed, ate and drank, and it was the perfect break away. This is what else I have been up to over the past fortnight.


Absolutely nothing unless you count reading menus. The past few weeks have been a whirl of going out for meals with girlfriends, the family and a few date nights with the husband.

Handmade Burger Co


I have had 2 nights out this week. On Tuesday I went to watch Bridget Jones with friends, which is the perfect film to watch with your girlfriends. And the following night I went out with the husband to watch Russell Kane at a local theatre. It was the 4th time we had watched him and he never disappoints. Very funny comedian.

Russell Kane


The decision has been made on High Schools, and Katie will (hopefully) be joining her brother at the local High School next September. We took her to the open evening last week, and she was already excited about the prospect of going there next year. Morgan is in year 10 and we have nothing but praise for the school. Of course I had a mixture of emotions during the evening. Excitement for the next stage of her schooling. but a little sad that my baby is growing up.


I am loving Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue at the moment.


I usually hand this section over to my 10 year old as she is far more stylish than me, but last weekend I wore a very special dress.

Wedding Dress

My wedding dress came out of the loft, and I joined 100 other ladies in a fantastic ‘Brides Night Out’ to raise money for a local charity. To make the night even more special, the event was held at the same hotel I got married in 15 years ago. I went with 2 close friends and we had such an amazing night. Very surreal being in a room surrounded by brides.

Brides night out

Brides night out

And lastly

Tomorrow we are off to South Wales for the weekend for a family wedding. This is my 3rd consecutive weekend going away, and whilst I love travelling I am craving a weekend at home doing absolutely nothing. Have a great week x



24 thoughts on “Little Loves – Nights out, Wedding Dresses and High School decisions”

  1. I love the ‘Brides Night Out’ idea – how brilliant! I know what you mean about going away so much and wanting a weekend at home. Can get a bit much sometimes can’t it? I’ve still not seen Bridget Jones – waiting for my youngest daughter to turn 15 next month!

    • How lovely to go with your youngest daughter when she turns 15. It is a really good girlie film. I am counting down the hours until the weekend, and to finally stay at home. Though I will probably be bored after going away so much x

    • I am certainly feeling the after effects of 3 weekends away in a row. I could honestly sleep for a whole month. The wedding was lovely thanks KA x

  2. I love watching your brides night out Tracey it really makes me smile, you look like you have had a fab few weeks. And we too have been looking at High Schools, Joe has chosen a different School to Jack eeek ! Jack will have left but we are so surprised he has made such a brave decision x

    • Hopefully the brides night out will be on again next year, and my wedding dress can get another outing (getting my moneys worth ha). Oh wow how brave of Joe to choose a different high school to Jack. I am sure he will flourish when it is high school time (all of the sobs) x

    • Aw thanks Steph. I loved wearing my wedding dress again after 15 years (if you don’t count last year when I went to my first brides night out). Safely back in the loft again for next years event. Getting my monies worth out of that dress lol x

  3. The Brides Night Out sounds amazing! Glad you’ve made the decision on the school. We’ve pretty much made our decision too. My daughter has passed to grammar school, so we’re just going to look round the girls’ grammars again to decide which one is our top choice. Unless my eldest moves school, I’m going to still have three kids at three different schools! x

    • Huge congratulations to your daughter for passing the exam, so pleased for her. But eek about the 3 kids at different schools still. I am just looking forward to no school runs come next September. I shall be waving the kids off from my bedroom window lol x

    • Thanks Rachel, I loved putting my wedding dress on again. Weekend away was fantastic but I am ready to sleep for a week now x

  4. What an amazing charity and so fun to put the wedding dress back on. High school choices must be so hard. I have years yet but fear it. They grow up way too fast. Hope you have a lovely week ahead. #littleloves

    • I loved putting my wedding dress back on after 15 years Jenny. It has gone back in the loft and hopefully I will get to wear it again next year. High School comes around so quickly. I swear it was only 5 minutes ago when Katie was in reception x

  5. Wow, what a week!!
    Love the idea of a brides night out, it would be great to get the chance to wear my wedding dress again.
    Only a couple more years and we’ll be deciding on secondary schools, I can’t really believe how fast it comes around! xx

    • I swear my daughter was only in reception 5 minutes ago. She is already really excited about high school, and I am looking forward to no more school runs after doing them for 11 years. Aw yes brides night out was amazing, and we raised over 1k for charity x

    • Thanks Donna, it certainly has been an interesting and fun week. It is the second year on the run I have been to the brides night out, and hopefully they will do it again next year. Getting my monies worth out of my wedding dress lol x

    • Aw thanks Tas. I felt a million dollars putting my dress back on again. Hope you manage to drag your hubby to Bridget Jones without too much eye rolling x

    • It really is the perfect girlie film isn’t it. I loved getting my dress down from the loft again, and hopefully the event will be on again next year x

    • Aw thanks Mary and it really is a fantastic way to raise money for local charities. You can’t beat meals out can you x


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