It’s not often we get the chance to spend a large amount of time with just 1 child, but last weekend it was just us and the tween. Katie was off to cub camp for 2 nights, which meant we only had to parent 1 child for the whole weekend. A weekend of not stepping in to break up arguments/play fighting. Ah bliss. Of course we would miss the little lady, but I was really looking forward to spending time with just the tween. As is the natural progression to becoming a teenager, I would know that one day he would roll his eyes at spending time with ‘the parents’. So I was going to grab this opportunity with both hands.

Prior to the weekend we didn’t make any plans and figured we would go with whatever Morgan wanted to do. Friday went totally pear shaped, thanks to a jack knifed lorry on the M56, which saw me stuck on the motorway for nearly 3 hours. This resulted in Katie being dropped off to camp 2 hours late. The evening was sponsored by gin and a Sainsburys curry.
We all had a lazy Saturday morning around the house, and then we went to a nearby village pub for lunch. It was lovely to sit there chatting away to the tween. There were actual words being spoken and not the usual grunts. I saw glimpses of how much he is growing up at the moment, and I can’t believe in 2 months he will be a teenager. After a leisurely 2 hours in the pub, we headed to Cheshire Oaks. Morgan wanted some hooded tops and I came away with a bag full of Molton Brown goodies for £13.00. How I love outlet shopping.

From there we called into our friends for a coffee and a catch up. Morgan happily sat there chatting away as we reminisced about our holiday we all went on last year. Upon leaving our friends we decided to head to the cinema to watch Jurassic World. I knew Morgan was dying to see it, and after purchasing the tickets en route, we had 10 minutes before the film started. We were soon in our seats and watching the film. It was nice that Morgan wanted to sit in the middle of us, and not on another row/cinema ! We got back home just after 9pm after going out at 12pm. It had been a brilliant day with Morgan, and I could tell he had enjoyed spending time with us without his sister. We ended the day sitting in our PJs eating McDonalds.
On the Sunday we mainly chilled out around the house. At 3.30pm it was time to pick the little lady up from cub camp. She was understandably tired, grumpy and smelling of camp fire. Nothing a good bath and an early night would fix. It was nice to get my little family back together, but equally it had been lovely to spend the whole weekend with the tween. And not a grunt or a slammed door in sight!

Ooh was it good i am dying to see it, in fact i think we might do this at the weekend, its lovely to spend time individually isn’t it x
Its not my usual film but I must admit I loved it as did hubby and the tween. I am definitely going to spend more time with them individually x
How lovely Tracey! I absolutely agree that this is important. I bet he loved it 🙂
Thank you Suzanne. It was really good to spend the weekend with him doing things that he wanted. Its amazing how good one child is when their siblings are not around x