I have written this post in my head about 10 times, but when it comes to putting the words down it’s so much harder. My nan passed away in the early hours of Monday. She was the incredible age of 90, and in the past few years she had been diagnosed with cancer. Up until her late eighties she had never really suffered with ill health, and she put this down to teaching yoga. She taught yoga years before it became the trendy exercise for the yummy mummies to do. Infact the last time we took the kids to visit ‘older nanny’ earlier this year, she was sat up in bed showing the kids her yoga moves. She was 90 !!! I think if I attempted this, I would have surely passed out.
She managed to stay in her own home until late last year, when she moved into a nursing home. I know it was such a difficult time for her, leaving the house she had lived in for over 50 years. The nursing home was a wonderful place, filled with lovely staff who all had a soft spot for my nan. On Sunday I went and saw my nan for the final time. She was asleep, and I stayed with her for over 2 hours. She never woke up again and she died peacefully in her sleep during the night. For years my nan had always said she wanted to slip away in her sleep, and I am glad she got her wish.
She was an incredibly strong lady who had been a cook in the women’s air force, been a labour councillor and set up a social club from scratch. She was hardworking and opinionated. I think I have a little of her opinionated nature in me, just ask the husband !
I was her only grandchild and I am proud to have called her my nan for 41 years.

I am linking up with the lovely Lorraine from theuncheshirewife.com for Talk about it Tuesday
She sounds like a fantastic lady. So sorry for your loss. X
Thank you for your comment Lyn xx
What a moving post. She sounds like an amazing lady. As her only grandchild, you must have had a special bond. She lived to a fantastic age, but it’s still so sad when you lose a grandparent. X
Thank you for the comment Sarah. She did live to a fantastic age and that is what I keep telling myself when I start getting sad. She had an amazing life and one to be celebrated at her funeral xx
This is a lovely but sad post Tracey, she sounds a lady to be very proud of. x
Thank you Lorraine. Looking back she did so much in her life and that is to be celebrated xx
My condolences. I too lost my nana this year. She was 93 and a total inspiration like your nan. It helped me to write about her on my blog. I hope you can find some peace here too.
Thank you Catie and I am also sorry to hear of your loss. 93 is an amazing age. hugs xx
Ah Tracey I am so sorry, she sounded like an incredible woman someone to be very proud of, and even though you know its time it is still hard to let go isn’t it x
Thanks Sarah. I keep telling myself she was 90, and I kind of guess we all know we will say goodbye to our grandparents one day but like you said its not easy xx