Little Loves – Blogging friends, Christmas films and a day at Instagram HQ

The final Little Loves of 2018, and a look back at what we’ve been up to during December. I had the chance to meet up with blogging friends, we watched a few Christmas films, and I spent the day at Instagram HQ in London.


Not much to report in this section, as I have not even finished a book this month, which is not like me. I am about three quarters of the way through this book, and whilst it is ok, it’s just not grabbing me. I am determined to finish it before the year is out though, which is just over 3 hours away.

The Mum who had enough - Fiona Gibson


I know LOTS of you love The Holiday, and to be honest I had high hopes for the film, but it just didn’t grab me. I thought it was too slow moving…. sorry.

Christmas films

Another film we watched on Netflix was The Christmas Chronicles. I really enjoyed it, and it was made even more festive by watching it on Christmas Eve.

The Christmas Chronicles on Netflix


On the 10th December I stepped out of my comfort zone, and I headed down to London all by myself. I was invited by Mumsnet to spend the day at Instagram HQ in the heart of London, listening to their conference all about teenagers and instagram. The lovely Claudia Winkleman was chair of the main panel, and there was an interesting discussion about how we can bridge the gap between teenagers, and parents when it comes to Instagram. It was a lovely insightful day, and it was a chance to meet up with bloggers that I have only ever had the chance to chat to online. Plus I treated myself to an upgrade to first class which was amazing.

First Class Train Travel Breakfast

Instagram Conference

Instagram Conference


This is something I have wanted to do for the past few years, but for one reason and another, it has never happened. So this year I ‘made’ a box to take to the local food bank, and I took part in the reverse advent calendar. The idea is that every day in December you place an item of food, or other items your local food bank is looking for, and you hand it over before Christmas. I started mine in November, and when I had 24 items in the box, I took it along to our local food bank. I know it’s not much, but it’s our little way of helping out those less fortunate than us.

Creating a Food Bank Box


Of course this time of year is a great opportunity to get dressed up, and I have been wearing my Marks and Spencer dress on a few occasions. Katie has also been looking far too grown up when she wore her new red dress on Christmas Day.

Marks and Spencer Dress

And lastly

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting up with two lovely ladies for lots of chatter and dinner. I usually chat everyday with Sarah from Mum of Three World, and Tas from Not My Year off on social media, and yesterday we had the opportunity to meet up in the real world. I met these two lovely ladies through this crazy world of blogging (infact Sarah is the reason I started blogging), and I am proud to call them my friends. We are hoping to meet up again in the New Year, hopefully with more of our little social media group.

Blogging friends

Whatever you have planned for New Year, have a wonderful time and I will see you in 2019.

8 thoughts on “Little Loves – Blogging friends, Christmas films and a day at Instagram HQ”

    • I had really high hopes for the Holiday but just couldn’t enjoy it for some reason. Highly recommend the M&S dress Sam if it is still in stock x

  1. What a lovely round-up and thanks for including me! It was so nice to meet up. The reverse advent calendar is such a good idea and something I haven’t got round to doing. I’ll do it next year, definitely! Did you finish your book? Happy new year. X

    • I loved our little meet up, and we definitely need to do it again soon. We are going to donate to the food bank every few months throughout the year, and then do the reverse advent calendar again next Christmas. No, still got about 20 pages left… I WILL finish it tonight x

  2. Omg I love the Holiday, Chris is not a fan though! So glad you went out of your comfort zone and had a great time in London. And love that photo of you and Katie, they are growing up to quickly aren’t they? Glad you had a lovely day with Tas and Sarah days like this are just like a tonic aren’t they? Happy New Year my lovely xx

    • I loved the whole London experience, and once you do it you realise that you CAN do it, and it’s not that bad is it. Katie looked so grown up over Christmas, and I can’t believe my little lady will be a teenager in 2 weeks. Will be coming to you for advice on parenting two teenagers, though I suspect gin might be the answer lol x


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