The end of January, and I must admit I am always sad saying goodbye to the first month of the year. January is one of my favourite months, and this year has been no exception. We have celebrated 2 birthdays, I have been on a lovely spa day with my husband, enjoyed meals out with friends and family, and had lots of fun this month.
Though the downside is, I have not completed as many goals as I wanted to. I forgot how busy January is for us, though I am trying not to feel too disappointed, and instead focus on the goals I did manage to do.
So how did I get on with my January goals
Blogging Goals
SEO and update 20 old blog posts – I managed to update 12 posts. Whilst it’s not my favourite ‘Blog Admin’ job to do, I am seeing increased views from the posts I have updated.
Do a broken link checker on my blog – YES, and a high five to me as I fixed 130 broken links yesterday evening.
Meet up with a blogging friend – I managed to meet up with 2 blogging friends this month. The lovely Angela from Adventures in Websterland and the equally lovely Lorraine from The Uncheshire Wife.
Make £300 pounds from blogging – I think I underestimated how quiet January can be for blogging work. I made £155 in January, which I am pleased about.
Schedule more posts to Facebook – Yes and I really need to continue to do this in February.
House Goals
Do all shopping from Aldi this month – We have done the main bulk of our shopping in Aldi, and used other shops occasionally. I have been using Sainsburys online for the past 4 years, and our monthly shop was around £360. This month we have spent £289 on food shopping, which is a fantastic saving. Plus I am a total Aldi convert now.
Deep clean the kitchen – Have cheated on this one and added it again for my February goals.
Buy new kitchen pans using my Nectar points – Sadly not yet, though we are in dire need of new pans.
Contribute to the food bank at the end of the month – I feel awful as I totally forgot about this goal. I am going to add it on again for February.
Declutter 5 items and put them on Ebay – Another fail.
Personal Goals
Swim at least twice a week – Totally failed with this.
Organise 13th birthday for Katie – Definitely a success.
Read every evening before bed – Yes.
Stop leaving half empty cups of coffee around the house – I think I am getting better at this, though husband would say it is still work in progress.
Join in with the gratitude list that Suzanne does on Instagram – Success as I have been joining in most nights.
It’s interesting to see that I achieved most of my personal goals, but mainly failed on the house goals. MUST TRY HARDER around the house next month. How did you get on with your January goals?
Well done Tracey ! I never meet all my monthly goals but I never let it get me down, I just add it on to the next month and try again. I love that you’ve done this post to update how you got on with your goals. Here’s to a brilliant February x
Aw thank you Angela, and thank you for the inspiration to blog about them and thus being accountable. I am just in the middle of writing my February goals x
I like this monthly goals challenge, you chose things that you knew would be done & some that might be 50/50. You did well and it was lovely to meet up.
Fab on the Aldi shopping and the blog admin too. I think you should do a # for this as I’m going to follow your footsteps & do February goals.
I got the inspiration from the lovely Angela who has been doing her monthly goals for a while now. I love sharing them, and thus being held accountable for them. I am an Aldi convert now Lorraine !!! Even spent Saturday night in there doing our shopping lol x
I think it’s best that you achieved your personal goals rather than the house goals! That’s really impressive that improving the SEO has helped with your blog views. That’s something I’ve never tried to do.
Good luck with February’s goals. x
Thanks Sarah, I am just in the middle of writing my February goals. I hate doing SEO though it is nice when you see increased views x
I am really impressed with this, I am so rubbish at making goals but maybe if you write them down, it does help you to achieve them. I really seriously need to do some blog admin, it is always on my mental list of things to do but I am so busy with work at the moment, it is hard enough trying to get any posts written let alone think about old ones.
It is tough doing blog admin and keeping all the blog and family plates spinning in the air. I find doing SEO incredibly boring but I am seeing increased views which is nice after all that work x