Are 24 exams too much for our teenagers ?

Are 24 Exams too much for our Teenagers

Today my teenager completed his penultimate GCSE exam. Exam number 23 out of 24, with his final exam being taken next Wednesday. 24 exams between the 14th May and the 20th June, 24 exams to revise for, 24 exams to feel anxious over, 24 times to walk into the school hall under exam conditions, and to remember everything you have been taught over the past 3 years.… Continue reading

Being made redundant

Being made redundant

I never thought I would be sat here, writing a post about being made redundant, and if truth be told that is probably quite naïve of me. Losing my part-time job, working as an administrator in a children’s nursery, was never at the forefront of my mind.… Continue reading

Family days out when you have teenagers

Family days out when you have teenagers

I have lost count of how many times I have suggested a nice family day out, only to be met with a ‘Kevin and Perry’ moment from the teen. And of course our days out when you have teenagers are getting few and far between, as both children spend more time with their friends.… Continue reading