Little Loves – Prom Suits, Zip Wires and GCSE Exams

Husband at Zip World

It is always my intention to get my Little Loves post out on a Friday, but I have spectacularly failed this week as it’s now Sunday evening. Looking back it has been a pretty ‘normal’ few weeks, and I can tell from the lack of pictures I have taken that life has been filled with school, work, and just the usual life stuff.… Continue reading

Money Saving Tips for your Summer Holiday

Sani Dunes Hotel at Sani Resort

There is no denying that if you have school age children, summer holidays are going to be expensive. For the past few years we have chosen to have our main holiday during the Easter break, thus avoiding the high price of a family holiday during peak summer months.… Continue reading

Bucket List Holidays for Kids

Children are only young once, and as parents who love to travel, we always wanted to give Morgan and Katie as many unique experiences of the world as possible. Taking children on lots of holidays and day trips is a great way to open their minds, and expand their knowledge of other places and cultures, giving them a real zest for life.… Continue reading

A Date Night at TGI Fridays

TGI Fridays

Once a month the husband and I like to arrange a date night together, and I was especially looking forward to this month as it was during the Easter holidays. Of course I love spending time as a family, but ever since the kids were little, we have always made time for each other. … Continue reading